Christianity and Social Justice: Religions in Conflict – Jon Harris

Jon Harris, Christianity and Social Justice: Religions in Conflict (Ann Arbor: Reformation Zion Publishing, 2021), 146 pp.

Christianity and Social Justice by Jon Harris is a user-friendly reference that shows the distinct differences between biblical Christianity and social justice. The book reads like a trail guide that illumines the path of truth and highlights the dangers of social justice.

Harris is quick to point out that social justice is indeed a religion. As such, it is a worldview – one that is at odds with the historic Christian faith. The author presents a brief history of the social justice movement – one that is informed in inspired by Marxism. Categories of thought have been imported from a Marxist worldview and have made their way into contemporary culture and the church of Jesus Christ.

The author reveals how theological liberalism continues to infiltrate the church. This liberalism, which was confronted in the twentieth century by Carl F.H. Henry, Gresham Machen, and Francis Schaeffer is making a comeback and is tragically welcomed by Christian leaders in our generation.

Christianity and Social Justice targets woke Christianity, social justice epistemology, social justice metaphysics, and social justice ethics. It unpacks the “luggage” attached to this movement – none of which is worth salvaging. Indeed, the religion of social justice is a different gospel, one that must be discarded at once. Harris concludes, “Social justice offers what it has delivered every time it is tried: jealousy, envy, bitterness, destruction, corruption, tyranny, and ultimately, civil slavery to an impersonal, centralized bureaucracy. At this crucial moment, it is up to evangelicals, and Americans in general, to decide which path to follow.”

I commend Jon Harris for his careful research and commitment to herald the truth of God’s Word. Readers interested in continuing their study should consult Why Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice by Scott David Allen, Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe by Voddie Baucham, Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement Is Hijacking the Gospel – and the Way to Stop It by Owen Strachan, and Just Thinking About the State by Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker.

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