I am a Calvinist

I affirm the sovereignty of God in salvation and embrace a Calvinistic worldview where the glory and supremacy of God are the end of all things. Seven fundamental realities compel me to embrace Calvinism, what C.H. Spurgeon referred to as a “nickname for biblical Christianity.”1 Total depravity is not just badness, but blindness to beautyContinue reading “I am a Calvinist”


The paperback version of my newest book, The Jonah Complex: Meditations on the Sovereignty of God is available now! The Kindle version may be pre-ordered as well, which will drop on August 14. The affirmation of Psalm 115:3 echoes throughout the created order. “Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.”Continue reading “THE JONAH COMPLEX”

I am a Calvinist

I affirm the sovereignty of God in salvation and embrace a Calvinistic worldview where the glory and supremacy of God are the end of all things. Seven fundamental realities compel me to embrace Calvinism, what C.H. Spurgeon referred to as a “nickname for biblical Christianity.”1 Total depravity is not just badness, but blindness to beautyContinue reading “I am a Calvinist”

KINGDOM THROUGH COVENANT – Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum (2012)

One of the thorniest theological dilemmas in my mind concerns two systems of thought, namely, Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology.  God found me and saved me by his grace in a Conservative Baptist Church that was heavily influenced by Classical Dispensationalism.  With the arrival of the third pastor, I learned the distinction between the church andContinue reading “KINGDOM THROUGH COVENANT – Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum (2012)”

John Calvin: For a New Reformation

Derek W.H. Thomas and John W. Tweeddale, Ed. John Calvin: For a New Reformation (Wheaton: Crossway, 2019), 608 pp. Over two thousand years of church history have produced a wide assortment of Christian leaders, theologians, and churchmen.  One man who exerted an enormous amount of influence in his day was John Calvin. In recent years,Continue reading “John Calvin: For a New Reformation”

Reformed Theology – Jonathan Master

Jonathan Master, Reformed Theology (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2023), 108 pp. Reformed Theology by Jonathan Master is a short and readable overview that guides people through the basics of this historical theological position. Masters summarizes Reformed theology by pointing readers to the so-called five points of Calvinism, which emerged at the Synod of Dort in 1618-1619.Continue reading “Reformed Theology – Jonathan Master”

Some Pastors and Teachers – Sinclair Ferguson

Sinclair Ferguson, Some Pastors and Teachers. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2017, 802 pp. $45.00 The day that Sinclair Ferguson’s new book, Some Pastors and Teachers arrived, I was like a kid in a candy store; a monkey in a banana factory; a shark in blood-infested waters. Gazing at the table of contents causedContinue reading “Some Pastors and Teachers – Sinclair Ferguson”

CHARLES HODGE: The Pride of Princeton – W. Andrew Hoffecker

Who says reviews don’t matter?  “I could not put Hoffecker’s book down.”  Seven simple words uttered by Dr. John Frame prompted me to pick up Charles Hodge: The Pride of Princeton by  W. Andrew Hoffecker.  The author makes a solid contribution to P & R’s American Reformed Biographies Series. I first encountered Charles Hodge in Seminary.Continue reading “CHARLES HODGE: The Pride of Princeton – W. Andrew Hoffecker”

John Calvin: For a New Reformation

Derek W.H. Thomas and John W. Tweeddale, Ed. John Calvin: For a New Reformation (Wheaton: Crossway, 2019), 608 pp. Over two thousand years of church history have produced a wide assortment of Christian leaders, theologians, and churchmen.  One man who exerted an enormous amount of influence in his day was John Calvin. In recent years,Continue reading “John Calvin: For a New Reformation”

R.C. Sproul: Defender of the Reformed Faith – Nate Pickowicz

Dr. R.C. Sproul was a theological titan, teacher, preacher, and defender of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He articulated the deep realities of the gospel in simple terms and invited anyone with ears to hear to come along for the ride. R.C. urged us to memorize Luther’s famous line that “justification is the article uponContinue reading “R.C. Sproul: Defender of the Reformed Faith – Nate Pickowicz”