Truth Unhinged in Edinburgh Square

My wife and I recently spent five days in Edinburgh, Scotland. While there is much to commend in this very beautiful city, it did not take long to realize that God is no longer welcome for many of the inhabitants there. On the last evening in Edinburgh, I watched a young street preacher proclaiming theContinue reading “Truth Unhinged in Edinburgh Square”

Truth Unhinged in Edinburgh Square

My wife and I recently spent five days in Edinburgh, Scotland. While there is much to commend in this very beautiful city, it did not take long to realize that God is no longer welcome for many of the inhabitants there. On the last evening in Edinburgh, I watched a young street preacher proclaiming theContinue reading “Truth Unhinged in Edinburgh Square”

Biblical Apologetics: How Shall We Respond to Unbelief?

Unbelief is in the air.  Unbelief is gaining ground in postmodern culture.  Over 100 years ago, the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great innermost corruption, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means is poisonous, stealthy, subterranean, small enough – I call it theContinue reading “Biblical Apologetics: How Shall We Respond to Unbelief?”

No Shortcut to Success: A Manifesto for Modern Missions – Matt Rhodes

Matt Rhodes, No Shortcut to Success: A Manifesto for Modern Missions (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2022), 270 pp. The mandate to proclaim the gospel to the nations is clearly set forth in Scripture. A plethora of mission boards and organizations have been launched in an effort to obey the Great Commission. Matt Rhodes’ book, No ShortcutContinue reading “No Shortcut to Success: A Manifesto for Modern Missions – Matt Rhodes”

Why Francis Schaeffer Matters:The Role of the Church in Cultural Transformation – Part 9

Francis Schaeffer believes that the church has a heavy responsibility to promote community.  He holds that the first step in comprehending Christian community is understanding the individuals who make up the community.  The reason: The individual is important to God.  He adds, “I am convinced that in the twentieth century people all over the world […]

Why Francis Schaeffer Matters:The Role of the Church in Cultural Transformation – Part 9

Francis Schaeffer believes that the church has a heavy responsibility to promote community.  He holds that the first step in comprehending Christian community is understanding the individuals who make up the community.  The reason: The individual is important to God.  He adds, “I am convinced that in the twentieth century people all over the world […]

Why Francis Schaeffer Matters: His Approach to Apologetics – Part 6

Christian Apologetics: Two Purposes Francis Schaeffer’s holds a rather basic view concerning apologetics.  He explains there are two purposes of Christian apologetics.  “The first is defense.  The second is to communicate Christianity in a way that any given generation can understand” (The God Who Is There, 151). Schaeffer begins his approach to apologetics by pointing […]

Biblical Apologetics: How Shall We Respond to Unbelief?

Unbelief is in the air.  Unbelief is gaining ground in postmodern culture.  Over 100 years ago, the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great innermost corruption, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means is poisonous, stealthy, subterranean, small enough – I call it theContinue reading “Biblical Apologetics: How Shall We Respond to Unbelief?”

Biblical Apologetics: How Shall We Respond to Unbelief?

Unbelief is in the air.  Unbelief is gaining ground in postmodern culture.  Over 100 years ago, the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great innermost corruption, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means is poisonous, stealthy, subterranean, small enough – I call it theContinue reading “Biblical Apologetics: How Shall We Respond to Unbelief?”

Biblical Apologetics: How Shall We Respond to Unbelief?

Unbelief is in the air.  Unbelief is gaining ground in postmodern culture.  Over 100 years ago, the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great innermost corruption, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means is poisonous, stealthy, subterranean, small enough – I call it theContinue reading “Biblical Apologetics: How Shall We Respond to Unbelief?”