Hope of Nations: Standing Strong in a Post-Truth, Post-Christian World – John S. Dickerson

hopeJohn S. Dickerson, Hope of Nations: Standing Strong in a Post-Truth, Post-Christian World (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018), 313 pp.

Hope of Nations: Standing Strong in a Post-Truth, Post-Christian World by John S. Dickerson addresses the rising tide of pluralism in America and offers real hope for Christians who seek to be faithful to God. The thesis of the book is stated clearly:

“In the next three decades, Post-Truth thinking will overtake Truth-Based thinking in the United States, resulting in massive societal implications for all Americans. Meanwhile, massive global conflicts of ideology will be playing out beyond the US, and eventually these globally dominant ideologies will affect a less globally dominant US, which will rank about third in global power.”

The book is arranged in three parts. Part 1 asks, “What is Happening, and Why?” The author discusses the current ideological climate and includes five forces that merit further explanation:

  1. Humans are Sinning
  2. Satan is Scheming
  3. Ideologies are Warring
  4. Western Civilization is Unraveling
  5. Christ and His People are Prevailing

Part 2 asks the question, “Where Will It Lead?” Dickerson discusses nine post-Christian trends that Christians will face:

  1. A World that is Post-Christian
  2. A World That is Post-Truth
  3. A World That is Post-Knowledge
  4. A World That is Post-Church
  5. A World That is Post-Decency
  6. A World That is Post-Human
  7. A World That is Post-Prosperity
  8. A World That is Post-Liberty
  9. A World That is Post-Peace

Part 3 asks, “How Will We Live?” This question, which was originally asked and answered by Francis Schaeffer rescued this book. In the closing pages, the author moves from diagnosis to a prescriptive mentality. Nine resolutions are presented for Christians who seek to live faithfully in a postmodern milieu. The author encourages nine “postures,” which provide hope for moving forward:

  1. We Will Remain Rooted to the Christian Scriptures
  2. We Will Train Our Young
  3. We Will Be Known for Doing Good
  4. We Will Dignify All People as Image Bearers of God
  5. We Will be Ambassadors
  6. We Will Love our Persecutors
  7. We Will Remain Calm
  8. We Will be Invincible
  9. We Will be Fearless

Each posture is developed and readers are encouraged to stand strong in a post-truth, post-Christian world.

Hope of Nations is more of a sociological study that an apologetic mandate. Quotes are endlessly highlighted throughout the book in bold font. This practice becomes tedious and annoys thoughtful readers who would just assume highlight these passages on their own. Apart from these concerns, readers will benefit from this book so long as they understand the book’s purpose. Personally, I would encourage more interaction with Scripture, which is ultimately where readers find their hope, even in a post-truth, post-Christian world.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review.

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